Class Cancellations

Due To Bad Weather

  1. Class is always on unless I text you that due to the weather we need to reschedule. I will send a text just to make sure there is no miscommunication and to confirm that class was cancelled due to the weather. Just because there is a storm at your house does NOT mean there is a storm at my house. As you can see from the image above the West side of town is having a terrible storm while the East side of town has sunny skies and I’m on the sunny side of the storm. We ended up having classes the entire day that day. That’s not always the case. Sometimes it’s the complete opposite situation. I have a great view of the skies and a weather camera on the roof of my house so I can see in real time the skies for miles.

  2. Don't ASSUME class is cancelled due to the weather. It's not cancelled unless we connect via text or phone that it's cancelled. If you don't show up and I did not cancel class then that class counts as attended.

  3. I decide that class is cancelled due to bad weather, not parents. Unfortunately I’ve run into too many situations where parents decide that they are cancelling lessons because the weather doesn’t look good where they live. Even after I take pictures of sunny skies and kids taking lessons in my pool the parents are claiming they have to cancel due to bad weather. They simply wanted to do something other than take their child to lessons and not pay me for their RESERVED class. So I’m putting it in the bad weather policy to make it clear…bad weather is based on the bad weather where I am…where the lessons are held…at the time of your lesson…or if there is an actual storm where you are and driving conditions are dangerous on the way to my house, which is verifiable via weather apps.

  4. I do not cancel lessons days and weeks in advance due to the weather of that current day or the possibility of potential bad weather on the day of your class in the very far future. I have parents try to cancel days/weeks in advance “due to bad weather” so they can do something else (go on vacation) and use the “Bad Weather Policy” to get out of paying for their lesson(s). Too many parents have tried that before you. Nope. It’s not happening. I do not cancel lessons due to bad weather until the DAY OF/MORNING OF the lesson. In some cases it may be the night before if we are in the middle of a clear cold snap, wind or rain storm that is going to last through the next day. Sometimes I may not cancel until an hour before lessons because of a sudden storm that developed. That’s the risk of enjoying lessons outside in the beautiful weather.

  5. Sometimes even with bad weather we will still have class. Classes can be held indoors depending on the student. If your student qualifies, we will have indoor safety training and/or dry land training day. Again, this is not an optional thing that the student or parent can decide to opt out of and reschedule class instead. Students cannot just do lessons in the pool because they don’t like the sound of “dryland training”. Kids don’t know what dryland training even is so they are not qualified to make this decision. These are premium lessons and a dryland training is a luxury that no other students in the Valley get with their lessons. They should not be dismissed lightly as not valuable because they are not held in a pool. They are important supplemental lessons that improve your child’s swimming skills in the water. Dryland training is the difference between a swimmer and a competitor. Many times we get out of the pool during regular lessons to work on skills. Not all swimming lessons/skills happen in the water.

  6. If you are wondering if we are having class or not due to weather and you haven't heard from me please text me. If you don't hear back in a reasonable amount of time call me. I don't mind. Feel free to call and/or text whenever and as frequently as you want to check in on classes. Out here the weather is CONSTANTLY changing. This is my business. I’m watching the weather like a hawk. You are not bothering me by contacting me. I don’t want you wasting your time driving to me only to cancel when you get here. So call me before you leave if you are not sure.

  7. I didn’t think this needed to be said/written down, but I guess it does…Spring and Autumn lessons have the potential for chillier weather than summer lessons. “Chilly” weather is not a reason to cancel lessons due to “bad weather”. If you want warm (80°+) or hot (90°+) days for lessons I suggest only signing up for June - August lessons. Otherwise lessons will still be held on chilly (70°+) days. I will cancel for COLD (60°-) weather, but not CHILLY. If you want your child to be super warm in the Spring and Autumn lessons get them a wet suit. They really do work. It’s why surfers wear them.

  8. If we need to reschedule due to bad weather please go to my web page, in the scheduling section and select "single class reservation". Then select “bad weather reschedule” and enter the date class was cancelled so that you are not billed for an additional class. I update my availability periodically. If you don't see a day/time that works for you keep checking back.

  9. The days I set aside for bad weather rescheduling are not for families to use to just reschedule lessons for any reason. Please see the ATTENDANCE POLICY if you forgot that policy. Families trying to use the classes set aside for Bad Weather makeup lessons will not be allowed to register for future swimming lessons. I have worked hard to set up this system. It only works if parents follow the rules.

  10. Bad Weather Makeup times are available almost daily for the 25 minute spot in the morning before morning lessons start and for the 25 minute spot in the afternoons/evenings after the afternoon lessons end. There is usually only one bad weather makeup spot available in the mornings and afternoon/evenings every day so it’s first come, first served to book it. Sometimes there are appointments available during the day, but those are never guaranteed.

  11. Due to popular demand of lessons, and being booked solid with a wait list every month, parents are using the bad weather classes now to create their own schedules when they wait too long to register for future months and find out they are booked. I need to keep spots available for YOU to schedule your make up classes. Therefore I will only post bad weather make up spots for the CURRENT month. You ABSOLUTELY CAN book your make up class the following month if no spots work for you this month, but you’ll have to wait until the end of the month - beginning of the next month for me to release more make up spots for you to choose from.

  12. Once you reschedule your bad weather class it then follows the same attendance policy as regular classes. You cannot constantly cancel and reschedule your makeup class. That’s not fair to me, other students, or your child to reserve and then not use multiple makeup spots. If you book a bad weather make up class, and then in the future reschedule it, without prior approval from Kristin, will result in that bad weather class being marked as fulfilled and the spot released for someone else to book.

  13. It is your responsibility to schedule your makeup class. The beauty of this system is you can reschedule it at your convenience 24/7 for whatever available day/time that works for your schedule. There are LOTS of opportunities throughout the swimming season to reschedule your missed lesson. Find any day and time on the single session schedule that works for you and book it as a “bad weather makeup class”. Last year I had posted more than 300 single session opportunities throughout the season, every day of the week, every time of day. You should be scheduling multiple trips to the pool for your child to practice their swimming skills in between lessons so you should have time during one of the hundreds of available spots I post throughout the season. If you do not schedule your bad weather make up class your missed class(es) expires on October 29th of the year you purchased your lessons. I do not credit missed classes to the next year nor do I offer refunds if you do not take the opportunity to reschedule your missed class/es.

Bad Weather Cancellation Makeup Classes
do not carry over to future calendar years.
They expire on October 29th of the calendar year the class was cancelled.


You have read, understood, and agreed to this policy PRIOR to registering for lessons and again prior to paying for your classes in full.